A couple of things. I know my website has been down for a few months and I apologize. I ll break down the breakdown. I was starting a project to develop a communtiy site for a few friends of mine and myself. The problem was i wanted to make it scaleable to reach beyond me and my cohorts. So after doing some research and the whatnot i found what i was looking for. CMS. a content management system. after reading and watching a bunch of youtube videos trying to sort out what was a good CMS and a less good CMS i decided on implementing drupal. An opensource CMS that is supported by the people that use it much like linux. Anyhow me with my limited (0)web building knowledge decided to get my hands dirty in Http,php,css and so on. if that sounds like some foriegn words to you thats the boat i was in back in december. Any how i figured i should really go forth and learn it for myself so i could also redisign my site eventually after i learned enough on my project. Seeing my friends that always gave me a hand with the website stuff all left detroit during the ongoing mass exodus from michigan. So all geeked up and ready to start and jump right into it i installed drupal not knowing a thing about file structure with in hosting. Well that was a mistake as i got drupal up and started playing with what drupal has to offer. All the while not realizing my site got squashed in the process. My brother was kind a nuff to let me know. Any how I decided at that point i would stop the project i was working on and learn drupal and rebuild my site first. So onward ho developing a theme and working out hosting kinks. So now things are coming along and have my test site about half way there. My test site is my ol 7teen.us site. so feel free to check it out just realize it is a beta site and its a work in progress. I am learning as i go here meanwhile holding down the hatches at GM and keeping the kids and wife happy. Not to mention actually working on my artwork. Which also brings me to let you know that I will be having a Solo show here in detroit at Re:view gallery which is an incredible space and i am super excited to be having a show in the D. its been a few years and gives me a chance to work on some different stuff. So with that I will sign off and leave you with a pretty rad artist talking about his work.